Conference for Global Transformation

2023 Artists for Global Transformation

Artists for Global Transformation

Our art exhibit this year can be viewed on YouTube. Embedded in the name of each work of art listed below is a link to each YouTube video.

Artist & Title Summary
Collaborative Soup – The Silence in the Song An original song from artists creating a world of belonging through musical collaboration. Collaborative Soup is: Jackie Scully, Jerry Danielsen, Jim Fowler, Jorge Franco, Marc Malamud, Robyn Maitland, and Sean Potter.
Alexandra Isaievych – Presence: Infinity of the Eternal Now My paintings return to the theme of finding peace in the natural spaces where we naturally belong.
Barry Pogorel – Bedroom Where do we belong more than our own bedrooms? My dresser, my bed, my view out my window, my lady — all represent belonging, being home.
Bruce Torquil Campbell and Dræyk van der Hørn – “Shifting Perspectives” and “The Faery Realm in Form” Colors, textures, and patterns play together in an abstract painting, an example of belonging. In seeking to form a relationship with the artwork, the viewer connects through a longing for the familiar.
Dorothy Annette – “The Year of the Rat” and “Future World” As an artist, I am responsible for expressing what the world looks like now. Not belonging now. Buddha is one of the spiritual teachers waiting for the world to embrace belonging now.
John Hewson – Forest Walk Reaching high, they tickle the sky, connecting Earth to the unfathomable universal forces beyond. The tree canopy protects the forest floor, inter-connected roots feed, heal, trading magic through mycelium networks below the surface.
John Hewson – Two Poles On Turtle Island with First Nations people, two poles on the village beach bring community together. One pole to remember children with eagle and whale guiding spirits home. The other welcomes with a paddler atop a raven.
Lori Watkins – The Storybook Lady While participating in Wisdom for the Arts, I’ve had more forms of Self emerge. With fellow artisans, we discover new forms of becoming in each other and our communities.
Lynnie Sterba – A Vision: a World of Belonging “Vision” was created from my commitment to the world: beauty and inspiration through art has people connected to their shared humanity.
M. L. Ayer – Belonging at Last This selection shows the experience of young people descended from magical fae who have to hide their magic in the human world. In Faerie, they can truly be themselves.