Conference for Global Transformation

2024 Workshop Presenters

2025 Workshop Presenters will be announced in February 2025
Presenter Biography
Allyn Silver Allyn Silver is a personal performance coach for Landmark and is a Team, Management & Leadership Program leader, and a Communication Course leader. She is also a competitor in open water long-distance swim events and triathlons and loves to foster dogs and cats. Her passion is empowering people in fulfilling their commitments in life as a self- expression, so they can make the difference they are out to make.
Amrit Kendrick Amrit Kendrick is a yoga teacher and has always sought ways to connect humans with nature. Her commitment is that all humans have a deep appreciation for their planet. Her dance history has included international folk dancing, English country dancing, contra dancing, Morris dancing, belly dancing, merengue and salsa. She lives near the Indian Ocean in Western Australia and is one of the custodians of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, currently hosting the Social Commons call for people in Australia and New Zealand.
Ana Krista Johnson Ana Krista Johnson is a writer, performer, and filmmaker and recently earned a master’s degree in transformative social change with a specialization in media impact. She is now working on a doctorate from Saybrook University. She is a published novelist and award-winning film producer. She has been an introduction leader for Landmark’s Family Division and assisted around the Los Angeles Wisdom Unlimited course for 15 years. Her current works in progress include a nonfiction book and a documentary on women’s reproductive choices. Her commitment: People are inspired and engaged, creating beloved community where we are cared for, compassionate, and joyfully alive.
Andrea Parker-Swenson Andrea Parker-Swenson is director of Landmark’s Personal Coaching Division, and is passionate about her clients fulfilling their dreams, and supporting her team of coaches in making the magic of Landmark coaching available to its graduates. She has participated at Landmark for more than 15 years, is a designated seminar leader, and currently serves on the Pacific West Designation Team. Prior to being on Landmark’s staff, Parker Swenson worked in the fields of education and theater, designing and delivering curriculum for expanding creative thinking and artistic expression. She served on numerous nonprofit boards and currently volunteers for AFS, a global exchange student organization.
Andy Monks Andy Monks is a Landmark staff member, as a personal performance coach, the training/recruitment manager for the Wisdom Course Area, leader of the Structural Explorations vacation course, and the Wisdom Unlimited leader for Australia and New Zealand. He is also a multi-disciplinary artist with a 30-year career, having contributed to acclaimed films like Happy Feet, and running his own creative studio. Presently, his practice blends traditional sculpture, drawing, and painting with digital techniques, exploring the domains of spiritual practices and being human.
Dr. Angela Amado Dr. Angela Amado has led transformational programs for more than 30 years and has been a Wisdom Unlimited course leader since 1994. She leads Partnership Explorations, the Structural Connections Vacation Course, and is the head of training and recruitment for the Wisdom Course Area. She has also worked professionally in the field of disability for more than 30 years in a variety of capacities, including national research, international consulting, and government policy. She has authored key books on inclusion of people with disabilities into the community, and conducted training across the United States, in Canada, Australia, and several European countries.
Anna Choi Anna Choi, two-time TEDx speaker, Forbes author, and energy master at SolJoy.Life, is catalyzing a new humanity by serving high-achieving leaders to focus their energy, quiet the mind chatter, and tap into boundless energy through mind-body training programs. She brings 20 years experience of energy mastery, blending ancient wisdom with qigong tai chi, as a taekwondo black belt. Choi was a Self-Expression & Leadership Program leader for seven years who loves to sing and dance as a singer-songwriter. Her proudest accomplishment is water birthing her son and 20 years of being sweethearts with her husband Leo.
Annette L. Nathan Annette L. Nathan, founder of Annettework Consulting and The Annettework, is a life-long transformational visionary who has been delivering global training and development programs for more than 40 years. She coaches clients to undergo a process that has the clients themselves invent new futures that are inspiring, challenging, and extraordinarily effective. The power of these new futures is expressed in the culture – not as feelings or words alone, but as culturally aligned intentions, authentic actions and ongoing breakthrough results. Her worldwide consulting engagements transform communities, businesses, organizations, executives, and leaders. Nathan graduated with honors in Asian history from Duke University.
Ariela Marshall Ariela Marshall is a former Landmark staff member, and former leader of Introductions to The Landmark Forum, having led to more than 300 people. She was the source person for the Causing the Miraculous event for Landmark graduates and was on the Data Team in Landmark’s Online Program Division. She has been a workshop presenter for three previous Conferences for Global Transformation and written reports from the field for three years as well. She is currently a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, hosting the Contribution, Living as a Created Self, and Public Persona calls.
Barb Odin Barb Odin brings 47 years of experience and study in the area of personal transformation, most of which through Landmark, est, and meditation. She also worked as an intensive care unit nurse and advanced life support trainer for 47 years. She managed intensive care units at both community and university hospitals, empowering and training nurses new to the intensive care unit setting. She is a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She is a quilter and loves gardening, is very fulfilled in her retirement with these activities, and looks forward to the future with great enthusiasm even at 80 years old.
Barbara La Valleur Barbara La Valleur, participating in Landmark programs since 1995, is currently in the Wisdom Leading Inquiries program of Landmark’s Training Academy and serves as a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons. She previously was a senior facilitator in training, Landmark staff member, seminar leader, Self-Expression & Leadership Program leader and leader of Introductions to The Landmark Forum. An international photojournalist, she lived in Europe for 20 years, freelancing for seven German newspapers. La Valleur has two daughters and lives with her husband Arnie Bigbee in Edina, Minnesota. Barbara has received the Edina mayor’s Individual Service Commendation.
Barry Pogorel Barry Pogorel first took the est Training in 1975. He went on Landmark’s staff the following year. He was a Landmark center manager of three centers, including Los Angeles. He also led graduate seminars over the course of 22 years, and led the Communication Course and co-led the Advanced Course. He has been a transformational executive consultant professionally for the last 38 years. Currently, he leads a team of senior consultants called Sourcing and Generating the Work, focused on having Landmark’s work continue and expand its contribution to humanity long into the future.
Ben Gabin Ben Gabin is a former Wisdom Course leader apprentice for Landmark Worldwide. He graduated summa cum laude from Tufts University where he received his Bachelor of Arts in international relations. Having lived abroad in South America, Gabin became fluent in Spanish and went on to earn his teaching credentials in high school Spanish and math. Now, he owns a thriving real estate investment company and loves world travel, delicious food, dance, and work. Ben’s commitment is to a world that works for everyone with no one and nothing left out.
Benson Flores Benson Flores has worked as a programmer, business analyst, and database administrator for nonprofit organizations for nearly 28 years. Originally from Texas, Benson has resided in Montana, Minnesota, and now calls California home. He first encountered Landmark in 1998 and quickly developed a passion for ontology. He was a leader of Introductions to The Landmark Forum and served as a team leader and coach for many Landmark programs. His hobbies include hiking, chess, appreciating ballet and the arts, and pursuing spiritual goals. He is committed that people are free, empowered, and fully self-expressed.
Bob Mueller Bob Mueller has been a stand for and commitment to create organizational transformation as an established practice globally since 1980. He has been an executive leader, transforming several Fortune 500 companies such as Ford Motor Company and Magma Copper and has built consulting practices for several transformational consulting firms, including Landmark’s Vanto Group. He has shared his transformational consulting experience and distinctions with companies and academic institutions globally for the past 40 years. Mueller currently mentors more than 30 global leaders in organizations, entrepreneurial start-ups and academia across five continents.
Bruce Campbell Bruce Campbell is an artist; he studied fine art in London, did The Landmark Forum in 2002, and is currently in the Landmark Training Academy community leadership track. He has been a performance coach for Youth at Risk and worked with local youth and community groups in London. He is currently a director of the Moray Art Centre and Park Pottery Findhorn. Painting, pottery, and playing the piano are his three main creative outlets. He lives in Findhorn, Scotland, with his husband Dræyk van der Horn.

The Promise I serve: “By 2031 all people live creative and fulfilling lives – People are LIT UP!”

Carey Gister Carey Gister first participated in The Landmark Forum in September of 1985 and Wisdom Unlimited in the early 1990s. He was a Landmark introduction leader for many years, was a founding member of the Team Management & Leadership Program and is currently a Level II Custodian, hosting Inquiries of the Social Commons. He lives in Marin County, California, with his wife and two teenage twins. He works as a freelance software engineer and aspires to have a play he’s written be produced. His commitment is that each and every person has the experience of being honored, known and heard.
Carla Barrow Carla Barrow served as an highly rated attorney for 27 years before adopting a new form of counseling: the healing arts. Barrow now practices as a licensed marriage and family therapist in Florida, with specialized training in couples counseling, trauma, dialectical behavioral therapy, and collaborative law. She integrates the best of both careers, drawing upon her Landmark training, leadership in local bar associations, non-profit advocacy, and her practice of yoga, journaling and public service. She speaks and presents workshops on topics of mental health, well-being and relationships. She is a graduate of Landmark’s Creation of Freedom course.
Carlie Grindey Carlie Grindey is a doctor, mediator and peace builder, who worked in emergency aid in Rwanda just after the genocide in 1994. She has spent her life inquiring into how to heal the trauma that results from and causes these atrocities, and is currently back in her birthplace, Hong Kong, creating a program to bring reconciliation to families divided as a result of the Hong Kong protests in 2019.
Cat Tews Cat Tews has been a staff member for Landmark since 2003 and a Landmark consultant since 2015. She is passionate about people getting that they have an impact, make a difference, and are the creator of their life. That gets fully expressed in her accountability as the coaching supervisor in Landmark’s Personal Coaching Division. She lives with her husband Todd and her two cats in Chehalis, Washington.
Cherylle Garnes Cherylle Garnes has been a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons since September 2022. She has enjoyed hosting and participating in Discourses, Living as a Created Self and Contribution inquiries. The commitment that gives her the living of her life is, “Christians all over the world wake up, get into action, show love, joy, and peace to all. God will do the rest and that is transformation.” One way that she sees this happening is for the Bible to be translated into the 3,500 languages on the planet that have no translation, giving access to everyone.
Chet Burgess Chet Burgess engages in inquiries whenever he can, and one of his joys is hosting inquiries into Discourses and Living as a Created Self. He also brings the opportunity of inquiry to people as they develop themselves in being a leader as their natural self-expression and bringing power, freedom, and peace of mind in the face of everything in life. His commitment is that “everyone in the world be present to freedom and in touch with the joy and the miracle of life, free to be, and free to act, with love expressed.”
Chris Kirtz Chris Kirtz considers himself a “lifer,” having done the first est Training offered in Washington D.C. in April of 1975. Since then, he’s taken virtually every Landmark course and program, held every assisting post, and led events in a number of instances. He considers being a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons a singular honor, something which calls him to be, and is his full self-expression. His commitment is: “Listening and creating listening environments in which people discover they belong, are one, and already in a natural dance with word and their commitments.
Corrina Sephora Corrina Sephora is an artist, metal sculptor and painter. She lives, works, and plays in Atlanta, Georgia. Sephora leads Wisdom Unlimited for the Arts and is committed to empowerment, dreams fulfilled, art, self-expression and legacy. She received her bachelor of fine arts degree in metals and sculpture from Massachusetts College of Art in 1995 and her master of fine arts degree in fine arts and sculpture in 2005 from Georgia State University. She is exhibiting in the Venice Biennale 2024, the Museum of Contemporary Art, The Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Center, and the private collection of Sir Elton John.
Dana A. Clary Dana A. Clary is a Landmark personal performance coach and former program leader for Landmark, having led the Self-Expression & Leadership Program, and the Introduction Leaders Program. She was the first source person for Central Florida, causing Landmark’s Advance Course and SELP into the region; she also served as the source person for the Introduction Leaders Program for the state of Florida. Clary has been involved in leadership training and personal development since high school. Prior to going on Landmark’s staff, she worked for nonprofit organizations and Fortune 50 companies, holding executive positions in marketing, public relations, publishing and digital marketing.
Dave Hoon Dave Hoon has been a Landmark staff member, a leader of the Self-Expression & Leadership Program, a Wisdom Unlimited co-leader, and most recently a senior facilitator in training for the facilitated Wisdom Unlimited course. He has been exploring inquiry as access to being for almost 30 years.
David Flattery Dave Flattery leads strategic initiatives for one of the business units of DuPont. He is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and teaches and leads programs in statistics, data analysis, and process improvement. This is his fifth year of participation on the State of the World Scorecard team. He has previously presented a poster and co-led a workshop inquiring into listening for others in the domains of religious belief, agnosticism, and atheism. Dave is committed to thriving and prosperous communities and serves on the board of directors of the Santa Barbara United Way.
David Novell David Novell is a building contractor and musician living in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains. He and his wife Sue have been married for more than 50 years and celebrate their family of two sons and three grandchildren. The couple is active in their community theater and other local organizations. They have been involved in transformational work since doing the est Training together in 1982.
David Ritscher David Ritscher’s commitment is, by 2030, revolutionary medical pathways are routinely being created, through understanding data as access to understanding physiology. He is director of research and development in a startup company, which has created a day-time therapy for sleep apnea. Ritscher’s inventions include systems to monitor heart rhythms, sleep patterns, and athletic performance; and therapies for heart arrhythmias and sleep-disordered breathing. With 12 patents and 26 publications to his name, Ritscher is a regular participant in the Advanced Offerings of the Wisdom Course Area and is a Creation of Freedom graduate.
Deborah Robin Mech Deborah Robin Mech, founder of Universal Resources Unlimited, has been providing a variety of human development and professional growth seminars since 1998 through her adjunct company, URU Alternative Educational Systems. Specializing in whole-child/whole-person education, Mech is a California School Leadership Academy graduate; holds a bachelor’s degree in English (University of Massachusetts, Amherst); a master’s degree in education, the California Preliminary Administrative Credential (San Diego State University); and a master’s in special education (National University). At Springfield College (Springfield, Massachusetts), she created and taught the undergraduate course “Critical Thinking Through Literature,” with a groundbreaking emphasis on metaphysics and spiritual studies.
Della DiPietro Della DiPietro is a Landmark senior personal performance coach with decades of experience in global corporate and government leadership. She is passionate about the role communication plays in building success in both personal and business life. She has coached thousands of individuals to new levels of effectiveness as a leader of Landmark’s communication courses and seminars. She is committed to her clients winning, while empowering them to achieve breakthrough results. Her background includes award-winning work as a television journalist, 26 years in local elected office with a bachelor’s degree from University of Michigan and master’s degree in communication from Western Michigan University.
Diane Creel Diane Creel is a Custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons who lives in a quaint little village in New Hampshire with her two teenagers. Her favorite animals are pigs, and as a prison abolitionist, she’s passionate about Criminal Justice reform both in the United States and worldwide. Her leisure time includes singing kirtan, ecstatic dancing, and celebrating life in community.
Diane Dickey Diane Dickey’s life is a continual inquiry into transformation, inquiry, and growth and development. She creates worlds and spaces of beauty whether it be with art or in conversation. She is a designated level two custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, hosting the Contribution, Public Persona, and Social Commons calls. Her promise for the world is: a world of transformation where each and every person has access to unlimited, ongoing growth and development by the year 2030.
Diego Robles Diego Robles is an educator, artist, and filmmaker. He teaches in the California State University system and currently makes visual and media artwork that inquiries into the philosophical underpinnings of how we interpret our inner- and outer-world during different points in our lives. Robles has been a global leader for Partnership Explorations, as well as a communicator, and leader of book dialogue calls and book discussions. He translated the Wisdom Unlimited course in Los Angeles for two years and co-led an emergent global translation program. He was also an introduction leader for Landmark and a course supervisor.
“Dr. Dolly” Costello, Ph.D. “Dr. Dolly” Costello, Ph.D., has been involved in transformational work since 1979. She works as an educational psychologist, specializing in children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, and related mental health challenges. She participates in Landmark’s Training Academy in Wisdom Leading Inquiries, and serves as a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, rising above her “genetically determined know-it-all-ness.” Dr. Dolly travels with Dr. Patch Adams on his humanitarian clown tours as an expression of her commitment for the world: All people live with a passion and zest for life itself and experience a lightness of being.
Dorothy Breininger Dorothy Breininger is a professional organizer, known to millions as the fearless yet endearing organizing expert on the Emmy-nominated TV show “Hoarders,” featured on Netflix and A&E. She is an entrepreneur, international speaker and author of seven books including, “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” and “Stuff Your Face or Face Your Stuff.” She credits much of her business growth to Landmark’s education and its Wisdom Course Area curriculum. In addition to being featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Time magazine, Breininger appears regularly on the Today Show, the Dr. Phil show, the View and PBS television.
Draeyk van der Horn Draeyk van der Horn trained as a landscape conservation architect and became a self-taught chef, specializing in historic and plant-based food. His journey led to rewinding a small farm with his husband in Devon. Now in Scotland and a Druid celebrant, van der Horn has written a book on navigating the realms of reality. Last year he was voted in as the first Scottish Green Party councilor for Moray. He spends much of his leisure time hiking the mountains of the Cairngorms and developing the community’s woodland garden.
Eileen Forrestal Eileen Forrestal, former anesthesiologist, spent two decades putting people to sleep in the operating room. Now, she is in the business of waking people up to their own power and potential. Dr. Forrestal uses words to inspire personal well-being – encouraging self-expression, gratitude and forgiveness, empowering people to be at the source of their own health, well-being and happiness. Author of the memoir, The Courage to Shine Find Your Voice and Discover the Healing Power of Your Words, Dr. Forrestal now shares her insight, wisdom and experience, encouraging others to confidently speak their truth and make the difference they want to make.
Elizabeth Percival Elizabeth Percival has been participating with Landmark since August of 1999. She participated in most of Landmark’s programs and did Wisdom for the first time in 2007 and several times since. She assisted for many years and now is part of Landmark’s Training Academy as a Wisdom Community Leader. She also had the privilege of being on the Listener Team and says her home is currently in Wisdom Unlimited for the Arts. Percival has been an actress, a Montessori teacher, a home-schooling mom, and, most recently, has worked in the field of developmental disabilities.
Eric Englart Eric Englart has been participating in transformational work since 1998. As a licensed professional engineer, he has worked in renewable energy since 2008, including solar and nuclear projects. He is passionate about people living their lives by design and being clear on and creating what they are up to in the world. Using his engineering background, he creates simple, easy and fun ways for people to get clarity and express their genius in the world.
Erin Meyer Erin Meyer lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with her husband, adult daughter and two dogs. She earned a Ph.D. in pharmacology from Georgetown University and a bachelor’s degree in biology from University of California, Santa Barbara. Meyer currently works in research and development at University of Utah, where she completed a postdoctoral fellowship in neuroscience/genetics and was a research assistant professor. Additionally, she is an event leader for Landmark, a yoga therapist, having practiced yoga for more than 40 years, and a HeartMath Interventions specialist. She holds keen interests in social justice and disability studies.
Eroca Cambriana Lowe Eroca Cambriana Lowe began her journey of personal transformation in the est Training in 1973. She joined Landmark’s staff in 1982, working for more than 15 years in the former Consulting Services Division, which transitioned into the Wisdom Course Area. After leaving Landmark’s staff, Lowe worked as a business consultant with leaders and teams in Fortune 500 firms, both domestic and international. In 2008, she founded Accelerated Outcomes, offering small business and emerging technology education. She holds a Bachelor of Science in biological sciences and oceanography. She particularly enjoys world travel with her husband Kevin and outdoor activities in Novato, California.
Frank Quinlan Frank Quinlan is a Medicare insurance professional, senior athlete, and actively involved in his community. He is committed to making a difference for others and is committed to what the Conference for Global Transformation offers. He was the Landmark Source Team leader for Kansas City and created the first physical workspace there, created a production supervisor training program, and led the Landmark Kansas City Assisting Program, including leading introductions for several years. He is a former course supervisor, leader of Introductions to The Landmark Forum, and was on the Partnership Explorations team for several years, lastly as a global leader.
Gari Thompson Gari Thompson has participated and assisted at Landmark since 1998. As a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, she is inspired by the power and magic that occurs in the space of collective intelligence looking together. Her commitment is that listening from the heart –present and connected – transforms the world. What she has learned in developing as a custodian, “If you can watch yourself impartially, you’ll never lack for amusement.”
Gary Kendrick Gary Kendrick is a leading marine ecologist in the areas of marine benthic biodiversity, resource mapping, seagrass and seaweed ecology, and seagrass restoration. His work in seagrass restoration spans two decades and previously focused on technical solutions and developments to improve restoration success of seagrasses. He presently works on supporting the large OzFish Unlimited’s community program, Seeds for Snapper, which is scaling up seagrass restoration from 100 square meters to hectares, using seeds of the seagrass Posidonia australis.
Geoffrey Fenn Geoffrey Fenn is an agricultural scientist by training who, after 25 years of research in government agencies, set off on a journey of private enterprise before finding himself back in research and development with soil and water. He has a commitment to promote and facilitate an adequate supply of fresh water, sustainably sourced and affordable for everyone. His focus is on rainwater harvesting, low-energy high-efficiency irrigation, and groundwater recharge.
His major achievement in life, though, was to chase and catch the love of his life. His major commitment in life is to nurture and develop that love.
George Finsrud George Finsrud, a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, is inspired by collaborative effort, a give and take of ideas and enthusiasms, profound honesties and good jokes. He says that he loves to wake up with a schedule and discover how far off the day unfolded with still a sense of accomplishment.
Ginette Goulet Ginette Goulet completed The Landmark Forum in 2002 and became a Wisdom Unlimited graduate in 2021. Working as a consultant, her mission is to be of service to not-for-profit agencies. As a sewing hobbyist, her love of textiles has generated a new passion: moving and shaking the world around her to prevent clothing from ending in up in landfills.
Hilary Burns Hilary Arnow Burns grew up in Westport, Connecticut. She graduated from the Wharton Business School at University of Pennsylvania in 1981. She spent more than 35 years as a business consultant to companies all over the world. Her best accomplishment is having raised two remarkable children. She has published three books, is the host of The Getting Real with Hilary show on e360tv, has a YouTube channel and TikTok following, and a website, Her vision is to inspire people to live the lives of which they’ve always dreamed. She is currently living hers.
Jane Grandbouche Jane Best Grandbouche led courses and programs for Landmark for 25 years including the Wisdom Unlimited course for 14 years. Her passions include the environment and yoga. She has planted more than 100,000 trees and has been a student of yoga and meditation for the past 45 years. Along with her husband Brad, they have a wholesale book business and consulting practice, and reside on 10 beautiful acres in Sarasota, Florida. She has 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren.
Janet Lester Janet Lester is a rare bird having a BSR in occupational and physical therapy. Before she retired in 2006, her career was in hospitals as a physical therapist specializing in intensive care where she brought a unique listening. She is most proud of contributing to a multidisciplinary team committed to transforming issues of communication in critical care. Janet loves teaching, mentoring, innovating, and swimming. After doing the Forum in 2007 she joined IEM producing Werner Erhard’s Being A Leader & The Effective Exercise of Leadership around the world. Janet was honoured to manage Inquiry Explorations during its first four years.
Jerrod Kerr Jerrod Kerr completed The Landmark Forum and went on to become a Wisdom Unlimited graduate in 2014. Currently he is at work with the North American Spinal Cord Injury Consortium to bring about community involvement and unified research advocacy.
Jerry Fishman Jerry Fishman has been leading transformational programs since 2011, and has led more than 36 Wisdom Unlimited courses. He has led Wisdom courses in Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, and Toronto. He has been the head of recruitment and a member of the training team for the Wisdom Course Area for five years and also leads A Life That Sings vacation course. He previously worked professionally in theater, film, and television for 30 years and founded Kilroy Productions, a theater, film and television production company. He lives in Denver, Cape Cod, and Mexico.
Jim Bergquist Jim Bergquist is a global leader and a passionate musician who has made a remarkable impact in various fields. As global enrollment manager and volunteer coordinator for the Hunger Project, he trained volunteers as they enrolled 6 million people in the vision to end hunger on our planet. As a production and finance manager for Landmark, he also led graduate seminars and co-led Advance Courses. In 1983, he founded bizFutures Consulting Co., Inc. and developed XToB: The Extraordinary Technology of BEING, for generating performance breakthroughs. Also, Bergquist is a classically trained pianist and jazz organist, performing professionally for many years.
Jim Hanson Jim Hanson, a United States Navy veteran, has 37 years of leadership and staff development experience as the founder and managing partner of Sonoma Rentals and Wine County Party, an equipment, party and special event business. He brought leadership to his staff of 130 people, and served customers with the formula “be friendly, helpful, and interested.” In community-based organizations, he served as president of his local chamber of commerce, the Wine Country Film Festival, Sonoma Valley Education Roundtable, and vice-president of the Sonoma Valley Boys & Girls Club. He has participated with Landmark for 45 years.
Joan Bordow Joan Bordow has led transformational programs, including the Wisdom Unlimited course, Landmark seminars and the Advanced Course, to more than 40,000 people. The writer of nine books, she was the recipient of the R.T French Tastemaker’s Award (later the James Beard Foundation Award) for the best natural foods cookbook. She is currently a board member of the Foundation for Climate Restoration. Bordow has three daughters, three grandchildren, and has been married to Robin Bordow for 51 years.
John Corbiere John Corbiere has been participating at Landmark since 1975. He was an Episcopal priest for 33 years, graduating from the Yale Divinity School, and serving parishes and church schools up and down the East Coast of the United States. He is a past Landmark staff member. He participated extensively with the Hunger Project and the Mastery Foundation, traveling to West Africa and Ireland in support of the transformational work of these organizations. He is presently participating with several pathways in the Landmark Training Academy. He resides in Salisbury Connecticut.
Joy Kuebler Joy Kuebler is a licensed landscape architect, owning a design company for 20 years. In 2020 she launched PLAYCE Studio with the mission of empowering the world of design and community engagement, using play as a common language. She has been in a state of transition as a business owner, a newlywed, and an empty nester. She also completed in Landmark’s former assisting program after supporting the Partnership Explorations course for four years. She is excited to share that after years of growth, the design company will be completing in 2024, supporting the full emergence of PLAYCE Studio.
Joyce Pike Joyce Pike has been leading Landmark programs since 1995 and the Wisdom Unlimited course since 2004. She currently serves as the product manager for the Wisdom Unlimited course and co-wrote with Tobin White the newly reinvented Wisdom course that launched in 2023. She has owned her own consulting business for 32 years, empowering executive teams to create coordinated action and results grounded in honor and adaptability. Pike is also director of the Landmark Training Academy for the Wisdom Course Area and says she is most passionate about “anyone can, at any time, accomplish anything – no waiting required.”
Julia Dederer Julia Dederer is the director of organizational development for the Foundation for Climate Restoration. She advises on key initiatives and strategic relationship development and is responsible for the internal development of the organization. She brings to this role more than 40 years of transformational leadership, including as a Landmark staff member for 28 years, leading Wisdom Unlimited, Partnership Explorations and being accountable for the training and development of Wisdom course leaders.
Kaer Soutthard Kaer Soutthard has dedicated her life to supporting programs for equality, early childhood education, and initiatives that encourage compassion, well-being, spiritual fulfillment, and social justice. She has been engaged with the Hunger Project, Pachamama Alliance, and West Marin Senior Services, striving to foster a generous, kinder, more positive world and future. She is passionate about exploring new ideas, possibilities, and alternative aspects of life and her motivation lies in achieving balance, harmony, caring, and workability. Soutthard says she is deeply connected to the beauty of design, nature, and the cosmos.
Kay Keeler Kay Keeler was 39 when she did the est Training in Washington, D.C., and now, 48 years later, her promise to the world is, “Joyously and respectfully creating authentic communities of people free to be and free to act.” Stimulated by the Inquiries of the Social Commons, Keeler created a project to listen from nothing and discovered amazingly: trust, connection and belonging. Others now wearing “The Listener” hat, which she invented, have used this simple tool to fulfill their promises in making a difference that is totally satisfying, and it all started with “a penny for your thoughts.”
Kevin A. Lowe Kevin A. Lowe has been engaged in transformational exploration for more than 50 years. He completed the est Training in 1980 and most of Landmark’s programs through Partnership Explorations and beyond. Officially retired, Lowe had an award-winning career in the travel industry and later in sales, where he set and broke company sales records. He lives in Marin County, California, with his wife Eroca and particularly enjoys hiking, traveling, fitness, and playing dominoes with his Oakland “homies.” He is especially appreciated by friends and family for his humor and connection that is expressed in the special cards he sends.
Dr. Khush Cooper Dr. Khush Cooper has engaged in transformational work for 20 years and is committed to governments, organizations, and communities fully supporting diverse children and families. Following a successful career as a social worker and non-profit executive, her research, teaching, and practice are aimed at transforming the human services landscape by providing innovations that cause organizations and communities to thrive. As adjunct professor at Luskin School of Public Affairs at University of California, Los Angeles, Dr. Cooper teaches family resilience, social policy, and leadership, including Werner Erhard’s Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership for students and the public.
Kristen Mangione Kristen Mangione is a professional choreographer, dancer, teacher, healing artist and the founder of Dance Alchemy for the Soul. She is passionate about dance, creativity, spirituality and body awareness as an access to discovery. She creates art and leads practices that combine dance and movement improvisation, meditation and healing for transformation.
Liz Allen Liz Allen has been a hospital chaplain for 22 years. Her special interests and training include certification in grief, preventing burnout for caregivers, staff well-being, mental health, and humor. She lives on campus in Madison, Wisconsin, with her therapy dog Charlie. Her first career was in occupational therapy. She also did improvisation training at Second City in Chicago.
Lori Watkins Lori Watkins was born in Santiago, Chile, and, as an infant, was adopted by American diplomats serving at the U.S. Embassy in Santiago. Living in underdeveloped countries much of her childhood, she is a “third-culture kid.” Watkins absorbed the cultures, history and traditions of the countries where she lived and brings it all to her work as a vocational nurse for the past 23 years. Watkins also creates custom paintings with oils and acrylics on canvas and demonstrates her love for community by video-editing for organizations that serve the public. Her commitment: All beings are heard, including human beings.
Lorraine Telford Lorraine Telford has broad experience in education, service delivery and management in community and public health fields across Canada. Currently she is a collaboration leader with health providers and community stakeholders, aimed at a) ensuring supports for those with chronic health conditions, and b) reducing health inequities. Telford has been an assistant professor at three universities in diverse programs related to community health, and her passion is focused on actions to address the determinants of health that affect people unequally. She also appreciates all artistic forms, and is a modern and abstract art buyer and dedicated champion!
Lynn Underhill Lynn Underhill has a degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in systems and industrial engineering. She worked as a systems engineer and program manager at IBM for global building systems, when women were not generally educated to be engineers. She is the oldest of five children and, as a toddler, shared her bottle with a baby fawn. She has never not lived with a dog. When asked the first time by a grown-up where she was from, she answered “Earth, where are you from?” She is a mother and grandmother who treasures the ground on which Earthlings walk.
Lynnie Sterba Lynnie Sterba’s commitment to the world as a fine artist is that beauty and inspiration through art has people connected to their shared humanity. She creates paintings as reflections of her passion, involving her inner spiritual and objective analysis of the subject. Sterba shares, “My thoughts and feelings transcend the ordinary as I restructure nature’s many moods. What is particularly important is the healing nature of my work. Every painting starts with the word ‘love’ on the canvas. This process grounds and endows my work with the inspiration I hope clients can bring into their own lives.”
Margot Ayer Margot Ayer has been telling stories all her life, starting with stories to her dog and then her baby sister. She declared herself as a novelist in the Wisdom Unlimited course and has been running a successful writing critique group for more than 30 years. She found writing from a prompt was an excellent way to break a block and several of her stories grew from the short pieces that the prompts inspired.
Mark Krauss Mark Krauss is a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons, a husband of 44 years, father, grandfather, colleague, engineer, experimenter in the living of life, and gentleman farmer. During his engineering career, he noticed that while difficult, the problems of engineering are easy to solve when compared to those of being human. He’s learning to love loud shirts and has discovered for himself the value of inquiry in having people expand their views of life and to act on what they discover for themselves. He lives happily in Mariposa, California, with his wife, two dogs and two cats.
Mary Icaza Mary Icaza is a senior program leader for Landmark and has led programs for more than 38 years. As one of Landmark’s personal coaches, she has extensive experience working with individuals and teams, focusing on empowering clients to produce breakthroughs with ease – leading to outstanding results in areas of life that are important to them. She has successfully supported people taking on large challenges, enhancing their effectiveness and turning their vision into reality. Prior to joining Landmark’s coaching team, Icaza’s professional experience included growing a successful software training and consulting business with clients that included top universities, banks, and hospitals.
Maureen Charles Writer and editor Maureen Charles holds a master’s degree in writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She co-authored a young-adult biography, Music Mavens: 15 Women of Note in the Industry, published by Chicago Review Press in 2023. Charles led graduate programs for Landmark for 27 years and was a Landmark staff member for five. She chairs the board of Aid Still Required, an international non-profit organization, writes climate restoration curricula for Foundation for Climate Restoration and the United Nations’ Girl Up, and is co-founder of Love of Aging. Her commitment: diverse voices around the globe achieve equitable representation in the creative and performing arts.
Merilyn Fenn Merilyn Fenn is a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons. She is interested in personal relationships and communication, and has delivered communication programs to college students, married and pre-married couples. After completing a bachelor of science degree with honors in marine biology, she tought biology and environmental science to college students. Fenn first experienced The Landmark Forum in 2005, was an introduction leader for Landmark, experienced the Wisdom Unlimited course in 2013 and the Partnership Explorations course in 2019, as well as the Inquiry Explorations program. She thinks inquiry is the pathway to world transformation.
Meryl Sher Meryl Sher attended Juilliard and Oberlin to pursue her opera career and is a retired executive assistant to corporate management. She produces live/live-streamed concerts, singing opera, as well as Broadway tunes and standards at senior centers. She was a Self-Expression & Leadership program leader and currently participates in the Wisdom Course Area, which she says is the gem of Landmark. She regularly attends the Conference for Global Transformation, Year-end Vacation and participates in Inquiry Explorations and the Inquiries of the Social Commons. She is passionate about her family, friends, the arts, health and wellness, and bringing joy to the world.
Nancy Kleiman Nancy Kleiman grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area in the ‘60s and, in her teens, had the opportunity to be introduced to thought leaders such as Werner Erhard and Michael Murphy. She gravitated toward this transformation movement and did the est Training in 1975. After completing the est Training, Kleiman dedicated her life to Landmark’s work. She has been a participant, leader, and stakeholder in the organization for 48 years, as a Landmark staff member, seminar leader, and Wisdom Unlimited leader. She has also consulted business leaders for 38 years, specializing in leadership development and performance breakthroughs.
Nina Master Nina Master is an acupuncturist, having practiced state-of-the-art therapies of the Toyohari Meridian system in Japanese-style acupuncture for 18 years. She holds a bachelor of health science degree in Chinese medicine and acupuncture from Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. She has presented on several occasions in the medical practices and acupuncture industries, in the area of personal, intuitive, and spiritual growth, applying treatment strategies for healing chronic illnesses. Her commitment is, “Bring leadership in having people cause their own best health.” She has influenced medical and holistic clinics in the Brisbane area and has owned her own clinic as well.
Oliver McCrohan Oliver McCrohan lives in Dublin, Ireland. He is married to Brian and they have one son. McCrohan’s academic background is in biochemistry and he holds a Ph.D. from University College, Dublin. He was born and raised in rural Ireland on the southwest coast, overlooking Valentia Island. He loves the sea, nature, sailing, art, music, dancing, culture, and food. Professionally, he works in the pharmaceutical industry as head of medical affairs across seven European teams. He is the co-founder and director of a social enterprise dedicated to causing a new future for rural Ireland.
Owen Coffey Owen Coffey is a Landmark consultant, leads the Advanced Offerings of the Wisdom Course Area, and delivers one-to-one Personal Coaching. He first became a Landmark staff member in 2005 and holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Columbia University. Coffey and his wife Rebecca live with their three children in Dorset, Vermont.
Paige Keck Paige Keck, aka Ms. Paige, has been teaching art and leading artistic experiences for people of all ages for more than 20 years. During that time, she changed her teaching style and her lesson plans to make more space for self-expression. As a result of her master’s degree in social work and her training at Landmark, she finds herself able to be with whatever arises in her classes, savoring moments of her student’s insights and inspiration, while staying in the world of play and exploration through the arts.
Paolo Visentin Paolo Visentin’s interests include family, Landmark and Werner Erhard’s success, real estate and large-scale films, contributing to a new kind of human being for human beings.
Paul Freyermuth Paul Freyermuth has been participating at Landmark since 1994 and in the Wisdom Course Area since 1996. After completing Power & Contribution in 2002, he developed a promise for the world: “All People Joyfully Working Together Igniting Miracles.” Areas that he’s at work on fulfilling his promise include a book on happiness in the workplace, inspirational videos and hosting inquiries on how to fulfill on a promise. He has a master’s degree in organizational development and leadership and a passion for positive psychology tools for having all ideas be used to forward anything that is important to a company or individual.
Peg Miller Peg Miller is an 80-year-old woman with a commitment for a world where each and every person loves the life they live. She is grateful for her participation in Landmark since 1982, which continues to empower her loving the life she lives. She is a retired physical therapist, who worked for nearly 30 years in the arena of developmental and functional physical therapy with children and adults with neurological disorders. In 1995 she began working with people who are homeless, becoming a somatic psychotherapist/marriage and family therapist, using body-based work to support her clients in their healing.
Peter DeFreitas Peter DeFreitas has been a Landmark graduate since 1997, a Wisdom Unlimited graduate since 2002 and currently designs special occasion dressing and costuming of Canadian Olympic skaters when he is not leading the Wisdom Unlimited course in Canada.
Peter Fiekowsky Peter Fiekowsky, author of Climate Restoration: The Only Future That Will Sustain the Human Race (2022), is an MIT-educated physicist and Silicon Valley entrepreneur and philanthropist with 27 patents. He has 30 years’ experience as a citizen lobbyist for poverty and climate issues, and recently has been working to build the organizations required to ensure the survival and flourishing of humanity. His mission is to leave a world we’re proud of to our children. To that end, he founded the Foundation for Climate Restoration, Methane Action, Stable Planet Alliance, the Climate Restoration Safety & Governance Board, and the Humanity Day organization.
Rachel Barwell Rachel Barwell’s commitments span social justice, education, environmental and equity issues. She works in dyslexia education and is engaged in community efforts to adapt to the changing climate and increase food security through regenerative practices. She is a founding member of the InnoVuntu Initiative, designed to support stakeholders to create and fulfill the transformation of Zambia’s food system – a future where Zambia’s people, environment and economy are thriving in 2050. Rachel is also a founding member of the African Women’s Leadership and Mental Well-being program, drawing together many hundreds of women across Africa to engage in transformative leadership training.
Raukura Roa Raukura Roa (she/her) has been participating with Landmark since 2018, and has been an introduction leader, a program leader, and a staff member for Landmark over the years. She is currently a teaching fellow at University of Waikato, where she teaches Māori language and culture. She is also a director of Roa Ltd. Her commitment in the world is moving beyond reconciliation and bringing completion to our colonial history. Her current research is on historical trauma related to language acquisition and usage.
Ravi Bhola Ravi Bhola is a seasoned corporate executive and an entrepreneur. He has taken several ideas in the space of technology and, using his entrepreneurial skillset, turned them into successful enterprises. Currently he is engaged in the arena of clean food and engaged in mass producing very high quality, toxin-free, high-nutrition food and fostering entrepreneurial thinking and action to connect with the community. He has formal education in engineering and finance and has been participating with Landmark since 1991. He enjoys golf, travel, and gourmet cooking.
Ray Stoddard Ray Stoddard was the co-chairperson of the Conference for Global Transformation, with Laurie Ford, from 2001 to 2013. He previously led Landmark’s Self-Expression & Leadership Program and was a Landmark staff member. He retired as a business consultant in 2018 and he is now a senior facilitator in training for the Facilitated Wisdom Unlimited course in Europe.
Reza Razeghi Reza Razeghi helps leaders clarify their vision and strategy for themselves and their organizations. His clients enhance their effectiveness, think more strategically, improve their communication skills, evolve how they think about leadership and understand how to optimize performance. Razeghi has been a coach and consultant, worked in research for a major oil company, and as an information technology director in the semiconductor and computer industries. He has a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering and master’s degrees in computer science and organizational development.
Rich Schuster Rich Schuster is one of the elders of the Wisdom Course Area. He is committed that all people have access to the created dimension of being and that they are thereby empowered to be up to great and challenging work. In addition to having had a productive career in physics and engineering, Schuster is a student of, and has trained many people in, practices of communication to support aliveness and productivity. Rich and Noreen Schuster celebrate more than 40 years of marriage and participation in service of transformation.
Robert Thomas Robert Thomas’ commitment is unlimited transformation, adventure, and harmony with everyone and everything on the planet; a world at peace. As a geospatial professional for more than 20 years, mapping and analyzing environmental data has been a passion of his. He helped start the Earth@Peace organization and the Bordercats Working Group to address climate change, endangered species recovery, disaster response and recovery, and empowering communities most affected by these issues through education and research. His interest in conference participants’ stories and a curiosity about the State of the World keynote address, had him join the Scorecard Team in 2022.
Robyn Jamison Robyn Jamison wrote the book, The Magic of Modern Art, inside of a commitment to a world where everyone everywhere experiences the magic and wonder of modern and contemporary art. The newest addition to her repertoire is a breakthrough training for museum docents, based on the non-traditional approach outlined in her book. Jamison is an accomplished visual artist with a Master of Fine Arts degree from University of North Texas. Her artwork is in collections worldwide. She has also instructed piano and modern dance.
Robyn Maitland Robyn Maitland is a workforce development training consultant with a graduate degree in organizational management. Working for the Department of Public Health in the Commonwealth of Virginia, she is an avid writer, passionate about developing workshops that impact individuals in becoming more effective in their employment. Outside her professional life, Maitland demonstrates a commitment to living her passions and purpose, expressed through hosting ontological inquiries in the Wisdom Course Area and painting of the human figure, birds, and other animals in various mediums. She also enjoys playing piano and singing in the local One Voice Civic Choir of Richmond, Virginia.
Rose Grant Rose Grant is inspired by the possibility of a bright world, with healthy communities and vibrant ecosystems everywhere, and is committed to potent climate action. Working with farmers and rural communities, she has seen remarkable transformations over three decades. An early adopter of renewable energy, electric vehicles, and regenerative agriculture, Grant is exploring opportunities to reduce greenhouse gases, enrich environments, strengthen economies, and build vibrant communities. She received the Conference for Global Transformation Editor’s Choice Award for Best Paper in its 2022 journal and the People’s Choice Award for Best Poster in 2023.
Saeed Seyed Saeed Seyed has been in management for many years in the area of technology and has worked for large corporations in telecommunications, computing, and graphics. An innovation leader with 20 patents, he has had responsibility and accountability for managing teams globally. He also has been engaged in the area of transformation for about 30 years and has led courses and presented at conferences. Saeed Seyed has been married for more than 30 years and has two daughters.
Sel J. Hwahng, Ph.D. Sel J. Hwahng, Ph.D. (they/them/their) is an assistant professor of women’s, gender, health and sexuality studies at Towson University and is also pursuing a Master of Science degree in cardiovascular epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Hwang is currently leading cardiovascular and nutritional epidemiological studies on LGBTQ+ and women of color populations and recently edited a book on global LGBTQ+ health. They also teach the Being A Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership course to graduate and undergraduate students at two different higher educational institutions. They have been involved in the Wisdom Course Area of Landmark Worldwide since 2004.
Shirley Loo Shirley Loo has been a Landmark participant since she did The Landmark Forum more than 30 years ago. She consistently assisted around the Washington, D.C., Wisdom Unlimited course, which included two years as registration fulfillment team leader. The D.C. course was first in registration effectiveness her first year and tied for first place her second year. Her commitment: People are thriving, enjoying life, and leading great lives. She is a custodian of the Inquiries of the Social Commons and hosts one of the weekly Contribution calls. During her current Wisdom course, she created herself as “joyful contribution.”
Stan Carpenter An Omaha, Nebraska, native, Stan Carpenter is curious. He earned a university degree in cultural anthropology, ceramics and architecture. Carpenter participated in The Landmark Forum in 1994, opening him to new possibilities that included living and working in England. Since retiring in 2006, he has been working and assisting in the Wisdom Course Area and participating in numerous Landmark developmental programs. His commitments are most recently being expressed by joining the Landmark Training Academy and in developing capacities for crafting conversation and conversational spaces where transformation may occur. He is married with Jerry Baden.
Sudha Kumar Sudha Kumar’s passion lies in providing excellent care for patients. She is a pharmacist by training, has earned a doctorate in clinical pharmacy and is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist. She leads teams and trains and mentors clinicians in pursuing and in delivering excellence in health care. She has been married for more than 35 years and has two daughters. Kumar has been participating in this work since 1996. She is one of the custodians of the Social Commons Inquiry calls.
Susan Halim Susan Halim is committed to a world where everyone embraces and celebrates their and each other’s contributions. She has more than 30 years’ experience in corporate business and as an entrepreneur. She holds a master of engineering degree from University of Toronto. As an engineer with passion for growth and development, Halim brings a unique intersection of expertise in supply chain management with interests in human interactions. She is one of the custodians of the Inquiries of the Social Commons and professionally leads a team in a global corporation, co-owns a flourishing business, and serves as a certified strength coach.
Susan Harrington Susan Harrington is a Landmark personal performance coach, a Team Management & Leadership Program leader, and a Communication Course leader. She is committed to service and contribution, engaging with people to discover their goals, passions, and dreams. She is relentless in pursuing and creating unpredictable results and extraordinary performance. As a Landmark program leader, she has led to thousands of people with diverse backgrounds, always with a commitment to impact participants’ performance in areas that matter most to them and impact their satisfaction with their lives.
Susan Jones Susan Jones is a coach, author, and workshop creator. She combines empathic vision with community-building leadership skills to create a unique environment for personal and professional empowerment. She is a founding member of Empowering Women Alliance, an organization created to support and empower women to discover authentic self-expression by developing and sharing their unique voices through published authorship. Jones works with women to activate their natural intuitive superpowers in unlocking vast stores of inner strength, passion, and creative genius.
Susan is a Codebreaker Technologies™ BANKCODE Certified Coach.
Susan Kralj Susan Kralj has been participating in est and Landmark since 1973. She attended the Conference for Global Transformation every year since 2017 and has presented several posters and reports from the field about her work with the African Women’s Leadership and Mental Well-being Course, where women are empowered and called into leadership in their lives, families, and communities. She joined a new technologies exploration group in August 2023 and finds it fascinating and promising for the future of Africa and humanity. She lives in Sonoma County, California, and half the year in Australia, exploring an intimate relationship across the world.
Susan Katz Clark Susan Katz Clark has been a participant in the programs of Landmark and Werner Erhard and Associates for more than 40 years. A former staff member, introduction leader, Wisdom Unlimited registration manager, seminar coach, and source person for the Forum for Young People, she has attended all 24 Conferences for Global Transformation. This year she co-leads her first workshop, on the power of inquiry. Katz Clark lives her commitment to health, happiness, and empowerment, and assists others in doing the same. A former federal and county employee, she is self-employed as a wellness entrepreneur and is the proud grandma of 10-month-old Joey.
Susie Fraser Susie Fraser is committed to a sustainable future for Earth: a world where human and natural ecosystems are honored, valued, and nurtured. She loves inquiry as a practice, experimenting with generative speaking and listening regularly. She sees making collages as a way of exploring and discovering in the language of images. Fraser has come to see politics and politicians as resources – a valuable and fascinating exercise in reframing. She lives in Sydney, Australia, with Paddy Gaul and a small dog Zoe. This is her 24th Conference for Global Transformation.
Terry Kirtz Terry Kirtz, a wife, mother, and grandmother, is committed to empowering others to live a fulfilling life. She completed more than three decades in the public schools sector and “rewired” her life to support others in having a life of contribution and participation in those communities that are important to them. Leaving Maryland and moving to Idaho has offered her an opportunity to continue her work in the brain injury community by becoming a new board member of the Brain Injury Alliance of Idaho. She also empowers and enables those who cause transformation, herself included.
Wendy Keilin Wendy Keilin is committed to creating the next world economy for a world that works for everyone. In a future where human labor is no longer required, what kind of economy could we create? Where a powerful few control much of the world’s resources, what does equity look like? A transformational leadership consultant to high-performance teams and leaders, her work led to this inquiry and provides a springboard for forwarding it. A member of the Scorecard Team since 2021, she inquires, “If transformation starts locally, how do we measure its emergence? Who measures? With what agenda? What could we measure?”